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31 fun facts to unpoison your mind

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  • Loved the editor’s explanation. Simple, to the point, giving this channel’s vibes. Just perfect.

  • Fun fact: The first guy to use anesthesia in surgery, Robert Liston, also once cut a persons leg off so fast that a spectator died of shock, the patient and an aide to Robert also both died of sepsis from the unclean saw. This lead to the only known surgery with a 300 percent death rate.

  • my absolute favorite fun fact: that arrangement of four spikes at the end of a stegosaurus’s tail is called, scientifically, a thagomizer. It simply did not have a name until Gary Larson, creator of the Far Side comics, drew a panel in which a caveman lecturer is explaining dinosaur anatomy and says “Now this end is called the thagomizer… after the late Thag Simmons” and the scientific community just kinda ran with it (@katie.cali)

    • I just saw the word thagomizer for the first time yesterday (i think in an article or video about women’s body parts being named after men who ‘discovered’ them)… what’s the word for the phenomenon where you have never heard of something and then when you hear about it the first time, suddenly you see it everywhere?

  • One of my favorite fun facts: The oldest “your mom” joke was discovered on a 3,500-year-old Babylonian tablet.

    • So you’re telling me that the one in Shakespeare’s “Titus Andronicus” wasn’t the first one?

    • This is true, contrary to popular belief it was not the Titus Andronicus that was the first, it was actually Babylonian tablets, presumably made by students. Although most of the joke has been lost over thousands of years, there is one thing that is certain from this joke, they are talking about your mother

      [part that was lost over thousands of years] of your mother is by the one who has intercourse with her. What/who is it?

  • Fun fact: the word “oxymoron” comes from 2 Greek words:
    Oxy (Oxus) – meaning sharp
    Moron (Mōros) – meaning slow, stupid, or dull
    So “oxymoron” means “sharp-dull” making it an oxymoron itself.

  • Fun fact: Kermit is implied to have caused 9/11. In a Muppets special in 2002, Kermit is shown the world if he didn’t exist, and the Twin Towers are still up. This implies that Kermit somehow caused it.

  • Fun fact: otters have a little pouch of skin under the arms, where they keep their favorite rock. It helps them open seashells, among other things, and we’ve got records of them getting upset when losing the Special Rock.

    • I’ve actually heard about this recently. i don’t remember if it was in school or just surfing on the internet lol

    • i accidentally first read this as “others” as in “others have a little pouch of skin under the arms” as in “other humans have a little pouch of skin under the arms where they keep their favorite rock and use it to open seashells and we’ve apparently been observing these other humans because we have records of them getting upset when they lose their skin pouch rock”

  • Fun fact: Back in 1802, there was a book titled “A Pickle for the Knowing Ones” written by american businessman Timothy Dexter, which he used to complain about politicians, the clergy, and his wife. However, the book was special in that it used zero punctuation and he pretty much spelled every word he could unconventionally. There were so many complaints that in the second edition, published in 1805, he added an extra page at the end with 11 lines of nothing but punctuation marks, which readers were instructed to insert wherever they felt they were necessary.

  • Fun fact: water guns were invented on accident. Man named Lonnie Johnsons was an inventor/engineer and in 1982 while performing an experiment with water and piping he accidentally squirted water on himself. Instead of being mad he was intrigued by what he had made and it later became known as the first ever water gun.

  • One of my favorites is that it’s illegal to suspiciously carry a Salmon in the UK. It’s part of the Salmon Act of 1986, and aimed at discouraging poaching, and it sort of just stuck around. This goes alongside some of my other favorite dumb laws like in some places, wearing clown costumes. Not sure where that came from. (s_tselnik)

    • how do you suspiciously carry a salmon? what methods of carrying salmon are suspicious as opposed to non-suspicious methods? how do you carry a salmon non-suspiciously?

    • I feel like is I’ve heard this somewhere, but I don’t know if that’s because it’s true, or false
      This happens with a lot of the questions in this video though lol

    • In Pennsylvania there’s a super old law stating it’s illegal to have oral sex, and one that says it’s illegal to sleep in a bathtub

  • Fun fact: many people know that the word orange existed first as the fruit, and then the color was named after it. However, the word orange has existed in Europe since before orange fruits were brought to Europe from India. By etymological coincidence, a region in France came to be known as “the Principality of Orange” over 100 years before the first oranges were brought to Europe. The Prince of Orange married into the Dutch royal family, so the Dutch had an association with orange before it was even a color.

  • fun fact: in norwegian, in certain dialects, a small and simple conversation can be had without the use of any consonants, only vowels. (a very situational one, but it is possible.)

  • Fun fact: In 1997 a cat named Stubbs became the honorary mayor Talkeetna, an Alaskan town. The town didn’t even have a real human mayor. He served as honorary mayor until 2017.

  • this is a great example of how most generally-intelligent people can get trivia right just based off of common-sense reasoning rather than memorization

  • Fun fact: The roman emperor Caligula was widely considered to be mad, once forcing an entire legion to do nothing but collect seashells after a defeat, and is said to have made his favorite horse, Incitatus, a consul. It’s also said he once had an entire section of the audience at an arena tossed in with the wild beasts during intermission because he was bored

    • I’m actively serving and can confirm doing inane activites after training is still a commonly practiced tradition.

      And knowing a bit about history, I can also tell you that making Incitatus a senator was supposed to be an insult to the senate. “You’re so bad at your jobs my fucking horse could do it”

    • If I recall, he had abandoned an attack on Britannia right at the shores of now France, impromptu declaring war on Neptune himself and having his men stab at the water.

    • Most modern historians actually doubt these stories due to the biases and inconsistencies of the writers. Also, he PLANNED to make his horse a consul, but never fully did.

  • Fun Fact: It was common practice for Egyptian kings to schedule battles with their enemies, and if the other king couldn’t make it that day, they would reschedule. 😁

  • 5:41 fun fact, the reason why he drew instead of painting was because his paintings were worth a lot more than the total check. So whenever he had a big family meal, he told everyone he would be paying but not a single penny would come out of his bank.

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