I Busted The FUNNIEST FAKE 1.17 Minecraft Myths and This Happened…
This video is similar to other Myth Busting Videos like I Busted 1.17 Minecraft Myths.. and I Busted Every 1.17 Minecraft Myth And This Happened…
Quiffs Video –
Mau's Video –
Mau's Video –
This video is similar to my other videos with The Most HILARIOUS FAKE Minecraft SPEEDRUNS… and The MOST FUNNY Fake Minecraft Speedruns… Even submitting a cursed fake Minecraft speedrun, and Worlds FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft SPEEDRUNS…
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Guys, Yes the LAST MYTH IS A JOKE. Its just a funny thing I added at the end, there’s no way to actually find diamond blocks
i think…
Snowmen can’t die in powdered snow
snowmen are cute
Ypu can use a lead on a axolotl so it goes full speed on land
Fun fact: there was supposed to be a green axolotl that is basically the neon axolotl
maybe one day
There is going to be one in the lush caves part 2 update
@@OofTube really?
@@MisterFAK3 yeah the lush caves are coming next update
Green axolotls are supposed spawn in lush caves I believe
The disappointment after the green axolotl one
But it’d be a fun way to confuse GeorgeNotFound :]
Fun fact:Green Axolotls are lab experiments
So minecraft doesnt want a lab experiment to appear naturally
There is a green axolotl in the mc 1.17 trailer and also its in the game files but mc might not add it
Its very nice of camdeeno of re-uploading the video and actually changing the nametag to “dream” to try the fake myth and keeping the rest of the vid the same. Thanks for listening to us Camdeeno!
The “new skeleton” is a stray it is actually really old
Yeah but noone ever sees them because
1: they are rare(or more accurately the biomes they are from)
2:They are annoying and useless because you can’t out run them and they drop 1 slowness arrow every other year
Been around since the husks
I knew about them when you still couldn’t open chests in creative mode in MCPE. I think. Maybe that’s when it changed, but MCPE still absolutely sucked. It’s gotten a bit better but it’s still the bullied version. And I, a Bedrock player, have to agree. I really wanna play Java!
@@Rubin_Rubinia Bedrock should get same features as Java it’s not fair just because we have it on playstation or xbox we can’t make things like banner shields or get snapshots
@@turtleinvader2982 yea i use have to play bedrock but i got a java acount
The only thing that seems fake is his reaction to the myths being true or fake hes like:oh wow it was tru ye oohh i cant beilive i do this for a living anyways to the next myth
It’s he’s voice
actually literally
did hime dirty

That last myth was INSANE

and fake
He had diamond block in his hand
LY fake
He put it there just to have that sign there so it’s a big fat FAKE
“No one would disenchant a golden apple”
*my goals are beyond your understanding*
I would disenchant golden apple for pwank(prank)
ah, i see. you are a man of culture as well
I would if it gave an achievement.
@@miimiiandco.8721 noobs: go to an enchanting table with a golden apple
Minecraft myth: you can shoot an enderman with a bow when he has nowwhere to tp and the arrow will hit him but not damage him and will deflect
Actually it will go through the endeman
@@skylar_freecss5606 it will do kinda both
It will bounce off-
Its true,it will bounce off
Camdeeno for every myth: I think it’s fake.
When it’s true: :0
When it’s fake: so ya this myth is fake
(Not to say the video wasn’t good it was actually amazing to see all this, commentary just needs a little work)
The stray isn’t new at all, it’s been here in the snow biomes with the polar bears.
Every time I spawn in a snow biome and it’s night time I keep running for my life with strays everywhere
Stray is kinda annoying bcus when i am in snow biome he shoot me and i am get slowness and its kinda difficult to run
Camdeeno: Its a new skeleton! Me: you have a lot to learn
It was stray
Old skeleton: o feel New again thank you
a stray “AKA” ice skeleton is added along long time ago.
I think it was like 1.12 or 1.14
It’s 1.9
@@Jroy___ 1.10 (Frostburn Update)
It was added in 1.10 in worst update ever made to Minecraft the frostburn update
The “new”skeleton can spawn in a snow biome and has been around for something like 4 years lol it is called a stray edit. Idk how all my comments get no likes or a ton of likes there is no in between lol
Lol right
You are the best better than the rest
I feel the same on both statements.
The Deadly part of the Stray is that when you get shot, You get the slowness effect.
@@earthsolarballsknockoff yea.
“Its a goat who thinks you can shear it?”
Me: uhhhh you just did
Camdeeno: “I’m pretty sure this myth is actually real”
Myth: **is actually real**
Camdeeno: “No way that worked I 100% didn’t expect that to work”
Camdeeno: “No way it’s a new skeleton”
People who have visited a tundra biome:
I live in a Frozen Ocean.
There are strays everywhere in that biome. I hate them.
Me knowing some of these and know are real and sees his reactions: **TRIGGERED**
“We want cave update”
**gets cave update**
Literally everyone: “aXoLoTl”
Dude do you know how cute they are?
@@cycrothelargeplanet t h e y r e o p i n i n i o n
They are sooooooooooooooooooooooooocute!
@@silentslayer2344 YASSSS QUEEENNNN
that skeleton thing isnt new, thats been in the game for years, it just isnt seen anymore because of the biome it spawns in is super rare to find