In this BrainBlud Shorts Clips Fun Facts you can see Interesting and Smart Info with Oddly Satisfying Videos in the Background.
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Another short, another day of rethinking life

@@klassik093Fr lol
Fr tho

The toothbrush reversal shot, love it
Petition for new narrator voice:
Yepp I’m so tired of this one
Hi I love your videos
How many lucid dreamers are here

I’m not, but I still liked your comment
I did it ONCE
@@VMM34 In lucid dream you can do a lot of things like fly, kill people,have sèx and also talk to your subconscious which teaches you a lot about your self and life.
@@VMM34 so it’s not pointless it’s a very good skill if you can do it.
Fun fact not considered here. One reason why people also don’t dream are medical conditions like obstructive sleep apnea because you can’t get Ren sleep which is when you dream as you briefly wake up when you stop breathing.
Dreams can happen in any sleep stage.

Learn to spell!
@@davegoldspink5354 I know how to spell. I just enjoy using misspelled words sometimes.
@@davegoldspink5354 also where did this sudden rudeness come from? All I did was say one word.
I have this nightmare/dream that was like a normal day in my elementary school park and it started to rain, we all loved as is rained while we played, but soon it turned dark and planets have entered the sky in our sight.
A asteroid hit one of the planets making a big thunder like sound, there was thunder in space and the rain grew into hail. More asteroids hit the planets making me more afraid. I was at the back of the park when they called the kids inside. I was running my fastest and made it, then after the storm left. It was all back to normal. But the park was changed. It changed into an amusement park. The kids played while I was still wanting for the planets to come back, but then my friend called me over to play and I started to play im the park. The weird thing is, before that dream I never liked space, but after, I was addicted to it.
Girl I’m not kidding…But I had the same dream…Does this mean something or…Because when I heard your story I literally got so scared…
maybe you are twins

@@alexandreabazewicz1519 whens ur bday?
@@alexandreabazewicz1519 close to mine
Yeah I used that method, if I want to “remember” my dreams. And I remember my dream, by recapping it, after waking up

And then have a story to tell for months
Same i woke up once and texted the entire thing to my friend and copied it to my clipboard
i stay up late every night
never had a nightmare
this AI has a glitch
You probably just don’t remember them.
I remember the majority of my dreams
@@chill6789 I find it impossible to believe you’ve never had a dream where a single bad thing has happened.
never had one
@@chill6789 Ok
Another fact: everyone dreams, they just don’t remember it
I love horror and I remember I was in a mountain cave alone and some looking zombie type ghosts were coming out of cracks of the cave and was chasing me and then my dream got cut off because my mother woke me up for school and that was 3 or 4 years ago

I’m diabetic and I almost never dream about any food, let alone sweets
Same lmao
right? my diabetic dreams consist of lightly harming coworkers

Sweet dreams
Me still remembering that one dream since I was 9:
I had a dream years ago that my eyes fell out because I didn’t wear my jacket in the cold, that was at least 6 years ago
It’s certain dreams that I can recall from years ago, then other dreams I recall vividly
me HAVING the same dream since i was 9
I remember my dreams more often than not remembering
I swear if they try to put me in a mental hospital for not having dreams, I’m going to postal on them.
Nobody cares enough to put you in a mental hospital though
Everybody has dreams, but mostly we forget them the moment we wake up, only some very very interesting and peculiar ones are remembered, that too to a limited extent
@@armygirl782 I never have dreams bruh
Not me dreaming about a nice lake in the back of a mansion while riding a dinosaur
“Dreams have meanings ” meanwhile you over here
i once had i dream i alway took from a servo so he calld the cop and me the cops were gta cops and then someone was teaching me how to walk. so weird
I’m type 1 diabetic and I never dream about eating sweets or anything about food
Dreams are visions of our different lives in the multiverse
And possible future lives in multiverses as well.
To all of you out there who have dreams & can remember them, count your blessings! Because 1 day you might not be able to! I was diagnosed with a brain tumor 14 years ago & there’s only been once where I can actually remember dreaming!!!
Has anyone had one dream, you kinda forget it, the next night you go to sleep, the dream resumes… then the next night, it continues again, then you forget it, or is it just me?
Ah that happened once. First dream was .. I was in a candy shop and a dude fainted.. everyone stared at him and I decided to leave.
Then the next dream was me walking out the candy shop and into a blue theater. The theater was blue and as small as my living room. I decided to leave again
Next night I dreamed that I was walking out the theater and to school.
It has happened to me several times!!! It’s so weird!!!
It would happen to me a few times. And I even meet the same people who I don’t know but I have a life with them!
Has anyone else woken up from an incomplete dream but then decided to sleep again just to finish the storyline?
Just me?
that actually even worked once for me
It doesn’t usually work, but sometimes it does
It works for me all the time cause I lucid dream